Outreach Opportunities
Business Community
To succeed in today’s environment, businesses and their staff need to lead through increased complexity and volatility, drive operational excellence and enable collaboration across a wide array of business needs and services.
By developing higher quality leadership and talent and navigating management during constant change and unlock new possibilities and opportunities for individuals, partnerships and collaborations…we at Fruit In The Heart, have services and solutions you can count on…
Domestic Living Training Program
Front End Reentry Courts, Pre-Entry Courts or Early Intervention Courts are a new hybrid response to long-term recidivism.
They allow offenders to avoid long prison sentences by completing a short term while participating in a prison rehabilitation program (and in some cases jail or community corrections programs), to return to their communities to be supervised by the same court that sentenced them.
Community Leaders and Service Providers
Fruit In The Heart (FITH) provides comprehensive tools to support the community leaders and services providers in your area.
However, we can’t (and shouldn’t) do everything, that would make us enablers! We know what we are good at, and we know when we should collaborate with others to help you do even better for the demographics you serve. We make this possible.
Each community can provide tools or services which complements or integrates with our resources and organizations to increase the impact for your organization, business or individual needs of community residents.
At Fruit in the Heart you can count on a good experience and a high level of support and care to help you achieve your goals.