Linda Armstrong

Linda Armstrong – Founder Director

Fruit In ThHeart , like the cornucopia of different solutions that will help improve the quality of life for the personal development of individuals. Instead of fruit that is good for your health,  

Fruit In ThHeart (FITH) provides solutions that lead to productive living, by aiding in the reduction of recidivism and ending homelessness.

We have a cornucopia of services that offer  life-skills that lead to the quality of life every individual deserves…

Linda and clients

Linda and clients. We go throughout the community.

Linda and clients

Linda and clients. We meet the people where they are.

Linda with clients

Linda and clients. Advocating for Voting.

Linda Group

Linda and group…working with the community.

Some of the Work We Do in the Community

Nunc dictum pulvinar porta. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur tortor lorem, lacinia in nunc eget tristique volutpat urna.

100% All The Time.

Curabitur tortor lorem, lacinia in nunc eget, tristique volutpat urna. Pellentesque suscipit dolor metus, eu cursus sapien molestie non. Sed viverra mauris molestie purus hendrerit. Curabitur tortor lorem, lacinia in nunc eget, tristique volutpat urna.

Some of Our Numbers…

Members Assisted


Organic...No Pressure

Locations We Visit